Gianpiero graduated from the University of Milan in 1998, with a thesis on Tax Law.
He has been a lawyer since 2003 and a Supreme Court lawyer since 2016. He founded the Zingari & Associati Law Firm in 2000 and then joined Franzosi Dal Negro Setti, in 2021, as a partner in the Corporate and Business Law department.
He left the firm to join Lexsential as a partner.
As a legal expert in the functioning of corporate bodies, he assists statutory auditors of medium and large companies, Boards of Statutory Auditors, Chief Executive Officers and Boards of Directors in the drafting and filing of complaints pursuant to Article 2408 of the Italian Civil Code, in the drafting and filing of memoranda pursuant to Article 2409 of the Italian Civil Code, as well as companies both performing (in bonis) and in bankruptcy and/or shareholders of corporations in liability actions against Directors, Boards of Directors and/or Managing Bodies.
He also deals with banking litigation as well as tax litigation, the latter with particular reference to disputes relating to all types of tax (appeals against income tax, VAT and IRAP assessment notices, tax bills, etc.). He currently holds the position as an external member of Supervisory Bodies pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2002 of medium and large companies.
As an expert in Corporate Restructuring and Business Crisis Management, he is an external member of the Business Crisis Commission set up at the Milan Chamber of Accountants.
He has been involved in the publication, for some editions, of the Quaderni SAF – Scuola di Alta Formazione – of in-depth articles concerning the composition with creditors and the obligations of liquidators in corporations both for performing (in bonis) companies and for companies in insolvency proceedings. He participates in the Coordination Committee between the Federal Academy and LUM University, for the implementation of training courses of the School of Higher Political Education and is registered in the lists of the MISE as Extraordinary Commissioner, Liquidator Commissioner.
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