
FFF Legal Malta Appoints New Partner

   Dec 06, 2016    | ABL News

Dr Galdes is one of Malta’s foremost Anti-Money Laundering and Compliance specialists. He formerly headed the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit, Malta’s authority responsible for the regulation and supervision of all entities subject to anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing obligations. During his tenure at the FIAU he supervised the development of an effective and risk-based AML and CFT framework and dedicated himself fully to refining Malta’s capabilities in fighting financial crime.

Dr Galdes appointment and his reputed expertise in this fast growing area of legal practice will further enhance FFFL’s established practice areas in the corporate-commercial, financial services and related fields.

In agreement with our partners at the ARQ Group of Companies (www.arqgroup.com), Dr Galdes will also be leading the Group’s dedicated AML and Compliance Unit, providing specialised AML and compliance support and consultancy as an inter-disciplinary service which is complementary to the legal advice and representational support given by the law firm. This appointment is yet another step being taken by FFFL in promoting the vision of inter-disciplinary professional collaboration it has put forward since inception in 2009.

The need for such comprehensive support and consultancy has long been felt in financial services and professional services circles alike, and both FFFL and the ARQ Group are proud to contribute towards enhancing the knowledge infrastructure in these important and internationally sensitive fields.

FFFL and ARQ Group operate within a framework of professional collaboration, providing integrated legal, taxation, corporate, accounting, AML/Compliance, advisory and trust services.

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