
32nd ABL Conference in Buenos Aires

   Dec 22, 2015    | ABL News

Another inspiring ABL conference was held in Argentina, Buenos Aires, November 2015.

Our host, Law firm Forino Sprovieri Dell'Oca Aielo Abogados, arranged a truly interesting and informative conference, focusing on both Latin America as a whole but particularly on Argentina's economy, business opportunities, challenges and prospects.

The conference, taking place during the presidential election days, made us realise how the people of Argentina are hoping for a real change in the country's economic growth and how the election could very much be a game changer in the region.
Mr. Mauricio Macri, the then President-Elect, who is known for being pro-business, has made promises to make Argentina’s economy moving again through economic reforms to tackle weak growth, high inflation and a deep fiscal deficit.

The challenges are however many, with a lack of majority in congress, unstable currency reserves, debt default negotiations with U.S. creditors, and a worrisome situation with their main trade partner Brazil having suffered the largest trade deficit in over 16 years.
The international community is however hopeful there will be an opening of the Argentinian market to the European Union and stronger ties with the United States.

With business prospect ranging from the oil industry to agriculture and its famous wine business, it is clear that the Argentinean market is a force to be reckoned with.

View all conference pictures here 

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