
New requirements included in the application of import and export permits for hydrocarbons and petroleum products

07 Mar 2019

Mexico - On February 22, 2019, the "Agreement that modifies the Guidelines establishing Hydrocarbon and petroleum products classification and codification subject to import and export permit issued by the Ministry of Energy" (the Agreement) was published in the Federal Official Gazette, which is in force as of February 23rd.

The Agreement standardizes the requirements that must be met in the application for short-term (one-year) import and export permits of hydrocarbons and petroleum products, with those established for the Sectorial Importers Registry of Hydrocarbons.

The applicant must provide:


  • Information regarding transportation means and location of storage facilities and equipment (for private use, distribution or retail).

  • Name and Federal Taxpayer Registry number (RFC) of the permit holders rendering transportation and storage services. In case of private use, the applicant must provide a copy of its permit, and information regarding the owner of the storage facilities, and provide evidence of their commercial relationship.

  • The services agreement executed with the authorized entity to verify the compliance with NOM-016-CRE-2016 (quality specifications)

  • Name, address and tax identification number of the foreign suppliers, as well as evidence of the commercial relationship, such as the purchase agreement or commercial invoice, which shall declare the quantity and type of product purchased during the tax year.

  • Name and RFC of the applicant’s two main clients, as well as evidence of the commercial relationship with said clients, which shall state the amount and type of product expected to be sold during the tax year.

Consequently, companies interested in obtaining short-term import and export permits of these products must carry a detailed review and adjust the information and documents prior to filing an application in order to meet these new specifications.

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Our team of experts from the Energy Industry Group will gladly assist you in the drafting and preparation of documents and information required in to request and obtain import and export permits for hydrocarbons and petroleum products.

This newsletter was prepared by
José Alberto Campos-Vargas (jacampos@sanchezdevanny.com)
María Luisa Mendoza-López (mmendoza@sanchezdevanny.com) and
Ernesto Vega-Zaldívar (evega@sanchezdevanny.com)


José Antonio Postigo-Uribe

Gerardo Prado-Hernández

Guillermo Villaseñor-Tadeo

Alfonso López-Lajud

José Alberto Campos-Vargas

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